Eugenia Hannover



How did you start modeling?

I was in South Africa on an exchange students program for six weeks and one guy from a random model agency there asked me if I wanted to become a model and I thought about it and when I returned home I applied to German agencies.

How long have you been modeling?

It’s almost 3 years now.

What is the best thing about it for you?

Travelling and meeting new people, everyone is so open in the modeling scene and this is very nice.

What is your best project so far?

I think it was the one for Marie Claire Argentina, a few months ago. The result was very beautiful and I was amazed because I had never seen myself like that before.

Do you have a favorite fashion designer?

Saint Laurent, but I mostly like all those nice staff from the 80s and the 90s. My aunt has a lot of those and she gives something to me from time to time and I love it! The way they were made, their quality is unique!

What is the best city for modeling for you?

Athens is the first city I have travelled for modeling so it’s not like I have any experience on the matter.

Beauty or Style for you?

Beauty cause it comes from the inside.

What do you think is the biggest myth about models?

Of course… it’s the one that all models are dump and it’s totally untruth. I haven’t met any dump model so far. Maybe there are some but it’s not like it’s the rule! Definitely not!

What is the thing you are most complimented for in this job?

I would say my face! All the photographers keep telling me that and I feel a bit shy … so yeah… that’s my advantage!

What is your biggest insecurity as a model?

Before I came to Greece I was a bit scared because you never know what kind of people you will meet while you travel and the idea of being alone in a foreign city and something happens to you is a bit intimidating. But if you do it often after a while you get over it. I already feel safe at the moment and I have only been here for ten days!

What is your best quality as a person?

I think I am a kind person and I like to help people a lot. I say that because I want to study medicine. That’s my path…

How do you spend your free time? Any hobbies?

I do horse riding, I play the piano and the violin, I draw a lot – mostly portraits and…

When do you find time to do all these staff?

I don’t know. I guess when you love something so much you make up time. I miss horse riding though, because it’s the one thing that I don’t do any more. I used to have a horse of my own and I don’t anymore.


Because he was getting old and I was getting busy so I didn’t feel like replacing him. I still visit him though! I used to be very shy and insecure as a kid and our connection helped me open up and gain confidence.

What’s his name?

Night Fever

How did the lockdown affect your life?

The lockdown didn’t affect me that much like it did to other people because at that time I was studying a lot for a medicine exam, so I didn’t even want to leave the house. I was willingly confined inside. Of course I was worried about what was going on… I still am but more hopeful now.

What are your dreams about the future?

I want to be successful in terms of living a happy life. As I mentioned before I want to study medicine and hopefully I will start my studies in September in Vienna.

Make a wish for mankind

That people start thinking about each other more and not only care about money. We need mutual respect, less fear and more kindness!