Izarbe Zumeta



How did you become a model?

My brother was a model and the boss of his agency saw me at his facebook page and asked if I would like to give it a try and that’s how I started.

How long have you been modeling?

Almost five years now.

What’s the best thing about it for you?

The best thing is the same as the worst. Travelling so much, meeting all these people and getting all these experiences that you wouldn’t normally have – this is really cool. But on the other hand you get to spend a lot time alone and it can be really lonely.

What’s your best project so far?

In Milan I think it was last November I shot Church’s campaign and right now it’s out in London and there is a big poster of me in the brand’s store.


Yes, that’s really cool.

What is the best city for modeling for you?

So far I’ve been in Barcelona, Madrid, Milan and London.  But London was some years ago and I didn’t really make the most of it, cause I couldn’t appreciate it at that moment and it was only for two weeks. So, for me I would say Milan because that’s the city I have enjoyed the most. 

Do you have a favorite fashion designer?

I love Zimmerman and Balenciaga. It’s the style I am into.

Beauty or Style for you?


What do you think is the biggest myth about models?

That we don’t eat, of course! (laughs)

So… are models normal, ordinary people?

Yes! Like, when I am home I walk my dog and I pick up her poop from the street, so yes, I am a normal person!

What is the thing you are most complimented for in this job?

My eyebrows, my ears even though I don’t really like them (laughs) and my eyes!

What is your biggest insecurity as a model?

My ears! (laughs again) 

What is your best quality as a person?

I think I am a good listener. All my friends and my family like to reach me out and tell me their staff, ’cause I think I can really listen to them … I think…

How do you spend your free time? Any hobbies?

I spend a lot of time with my dog when I am home – we go really long walks. When I am away from home, I mostly like reading books.

How did the lockdown affect your life? What was the best and worst thing about it?

The best thing was that it happened around my birthday so I managed to spent time with my family – I can’t remember when was the last time before the lockdown that I had spent it with my family. So that was actually one of the good things and the worst was the obvious – all my jobs got cancelled, my income was actually zero and there was a lot of stress and insecurity about the world and everything around us. Our lives were at stake.

What are your dreams about the future?

I would love to get to work in New York, that’s one of my aims about modeling!

Make a wish for mankind

We need health right now. This is the most important thing, I can’t wish for anything else!